
The prize is awarded on the basis of a broad understanding of interdisciplinarity. The Foundation emphasizes the importance of content, epistemological and methodological integration between different subject areas. The Foundation wants to reward the development of new knowledge that would not have been possible without interdisciplinary work and emphasizes the importance of equal relationships between the subject areas involved. Achievement that has been persistent and has had long-lasting impact in research, education and/or collaboration is another important criterion in the selection process, as well as a demonstrated ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues in areas other than their own.

The nomination process

Who can submit a nomination?

Nominations can be sent in by current or former teaching staff at Linköping University.

Who can be nominated?

One or multiple individuals who are currently or have been active at LiU can be nominated for the prize. A major part of the interdisciplinary work must be carried out at LiU. If a nomination includes multiple people, their contributions to the interdisciplinary activity should be of equal proportion and importance.

When can nominations be submitted?

The nomination window is open from October 1st to November 15th 2024. During this period, the link to the nomination form will be open. Identification via BankID is required to submit the form.

Appointment of laureates

When the nomination period has ended, a check is made that the nominees and the nominees meet the formal conditions stated above. A Prize Committee appointed by the Foundation’s Board of Directors then reviews the nominations and presents a proposal for ranking the nominations. The Foundation then decides to proceed with a top group of nominees. These are contacted by the Foundation for supplementary information, which is handled by the Prize Committee in a second round of review. The prize committee then presents its final priority to the foundation’s board, which decides on the prize winner.